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Myopia Control at Myoptic Optometry

We are excited to offer therapies to minimize the advancement of near-sightedness for young people. New research has shown we can finally have some control over the progression of myopia which can also benefit the long term health of the eyes and minimize costs associated with higher prescriptions.

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Home » Eye Care Services » Myopia Control

What is Myopia?

Myopia, also known as “nearsightedness,” causes the eye to grow longer and have difficulty seeing distant objects clearly. Myopia typically starts in school-aged children and if present can continue to increase through their teenage years and typically stabilizes in the mid- 20s. The prevalence of myopia is roughly ⅓ of the US population and higher worldwide, especially in most East Asian countries. While glasses correction can improve vision, it does not prevent worsening of vision over time. As myopia increases, so does the risk of developing serious, potentially sight threatening eye conditions like glaucoma, retinal detachments, and myopic degeneration.

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How can I keep my or my child’s nearsightedness from progressing?

Child in special glasses with eye closed checking vision, astigmatism diagnosis

There are thousands of clinical studies supporting alternative treatment options to help slow the progression of myopia. At Myoptic Optometry, our doctors recommend the safest and most effective options, which may include:

Prescription low-dose atropine eye drops
Atropine, an FDA-approved drop, is traditionally used to dilate the pupils and relax the eyes’ focusing system. Studies have shown that atropine eye drops can slow myopia progression even at low concentrations, meaning minimal side effects such as light sensitivity and near blur. A low dose of Atropine eye drops can be instilled nightly before bedtime. This treatment requires the use of glasses or contacts that are normally worn. There are no long term effects after discontinuation of the drops.

Multifocal/bifocal contact lenses
Specially designed soft contact lenses worn during the day create a unique image for the eye to slow myopic growth. These lenses may be worn throughout the day, just like a typical contact lens.

Orthokeratology “Ortho-K” contact lenses
Ortho-K refers to rigid contact lenses that are worn overnight while sleeping to gently reshape the cornea, the clear tissue on the surface of the eye, similar to a retainer. This method of vision correction, which is reversible, provides freedom from glasses/contacts and clear vision during the day, as well as slowing myopia.

These treatments can reduce the amount that myopia increases. They generally do not completely stop the progression of myopia, but most studies suggest the effect is on average 50% better than no myopia control treatment. The sooner treatment begins, the more the patient will benefit.

Who is eligible for myopia control treatment options?

  • Persons 5 years of age and older
  • Myopia in both eyes or at least one eye predominantly myopic
  • No current strabismus or amblyopia
  • No history of complications from dilation drops or contact lens use
  • No history of ocular disease
Portrait of a happy schoolgirl child with glasses
How do I schedule a myopia control treatment?

If you are interested in discussing your myopia control options, please schedule a Myopia Consultation. During the consultation, your doctor will discuss in detail your myopia control options and perform a screening for eligibility and answer any questions you may have.

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